Who Did The Hundred?

Pushups in a field

Since the web site launched in June 2008, thousands of challengers have jumped on board the hundred pushups plan. Listed below in chronological order are those who have followed the program and successfully completed one hundred consecutive pushups.
Many congratulations to you all!

If you've also tasted success and would like to be listed below, just send me an email and I'll add you as soon as I can.

who did the hundred?
Linda Campbell
Oskar Liszka
Yudha Agung Pribadi
Jackie Hawkins
Michael Fisher
Barrett Brown
Bryan Berry
Oladipo Olasemo
Kai Talvinen
Eric Skidmore
Dennis Schrudder
Dave Plourde
Neiriberto Borges-Calil
Edward Walter
Mike Price
James Mansour
Dilpreet Singh
Matt Devey-Carvill
Collin Hills
Tony Yip
Marshall Makurumidze
Sylvain Fischer
Andrei Stoleriu
Gregor Furlanowitz


Inspired by the success stories listed above?
Think you can push yourself to the limit and do the magic hundred? Send me an email and let me know.

Just started the challenge?
If you'd like to be listed on the "take the challenge" page, just send me an email and I'll add you as soon as I can.

Good luck and happy pushups!