Enjoying Hundred Pushups? Make a Donation!

Judging by the huge volume of positive email I've received since launching the Hundred Pushups web site, many of you have made significant strength and fitness gains in a relatively short period of time. Many congratulations! Numerous emails have also mentioned toned arms and a leaner torso, but the most popular comment by far is that you're feeling much happier with yourselves and have bags more energy for other activities. Fantastic!
I'm honestly delighted to report that the Hundred Pushups plan appears to have kick-started hundreds thousands of people into a more active, healthy lifestyle, and as a fitness enthusiast myself this naturally gives me a huge sense of accomplishment.
When I initially launched the website I had no idea it would become so popular; and now not a day goes by without an inbox full of requests to be added to the take the challenge page or general questions about the plan.
It really has been a joy to get to know the challengers who've ventured outside their comfort zone and stepped up to the plate, and I hope you continue to converse with me via email and inform me of your progress. To have helped so many people achieve their goals is truly a great feeling.
As you know, the Hundred Pushups plan is free for all with no membership fees or annual dues, but if you really feel the need to make a donation towards the upkeep of the site, you can use the PayPal Donate button below. Thanks for even considering.
Finally, congratulations if you're one of the many who've surprised themselves on the plan, and good luck if you're just starting out on the road to a healthier you.
Happy Pushups! Steve Speirs